Picture over same picture, a different framing effect
NOTE: This tutorial has been done with a previous version of Album TD, now images list and toolbar are located at bottom of the main window.
NOTE: This tutorial has been done with a previous version of Album TD, now images list and toolbar are located at bottom of the main window.
Here I will show you how to place a picture over itself to create an interesting effect.
First of all create a new blank sheet and drag the picture to it, then select the layout that better suits your needs
You may convert this picture which will serve as partial background to black and white
Drag the same picture from the pictures list to the small icon at top for adding new pictures without layout
Drag this picture to the center of the other one, resize if needed and (if you want) add a small border and shadow
Finally select the picture at bottom and change his opacity
In this sample I have left the above picture smaller for a better sight of the bottom picture but the best results are achieved with a larger central one serving the bottom as frame for it.